Beypazarı Living Museum
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This museum, which is located in Beypazarı of Ankara, contains more cultural and traditional elements. Beypazarı Museum Streetstrong> is
Located in Ankara's Beypazarı, this museum contains mostly cultural and traditional items. Beypazarı Living Museum is still waiting for its visitors to protect and exhibit our culture. The cultural scientist of this museum, which started its activities on April 23, 2007, is Dr. It was founded by Sema Demir. The purpose of establishing the museum is expressed as protecting not only material or intangible cultural activities, but also spiritual cultural elements.
It is also said that this museum is the only applied culture museum. Beypazarı Living Museum also contains architecture from the last periods of the Ottoman Empire. This mansion; It was built by the Abbaszades, one of the well-known families of the region.
Living Museum
Beypazarı Living Museum is among the first examples of open-air museology. Here, visitors are not limited to just watching, they are also involved in applications. It is also possible for everyone who is a visitor to participate in existing events.
Printing and arts are always demonstrated in practice to visitors. It can be seen that visitors who have the opportunity to try them also contribute to Karagöz shows, fairy tale narratives and proverb research. It is known that this museum, which brings to the agenda its different functions at this stage, also offers information to its visitors in the traditional sense.
Beypazarı Living Museum hosts different artistic approaches as well as different cultural events. It is also in a location where anyone who wants to travel to the past will prefer to go.
- Felt Art
- Traditional Children's Games
- Hıdırellez
- Karagöz
- Fairytale Nights
- Linden Print
- From Gokturkish to Ottoman
- Marbling Art
- Proverbs and Idioms
- Motifs in Turkish Culture
- Declaration of Love in the Ottoman Period
- Museum Living in a Fairytale
- Bridal Henna Events
- Heroines of the War of Independence
- Events such as Flood and Ashura are included. All these activities are held within the Beypazarı Living Museum and guests are invited to participate. In this way, it is effective in realizing a more effective traditional functioning.
Where is Beypazarı Living Museum, Entrance Fee?
Beypazarı Living Museum is located in Beypazarı district of Ankara province. You can visit the museum every day of the week between 09:00 and 19:30. The entrance fee to the museum is 15 TL for 1 adult. Museum Card holders can visit for free.
While You're At It
While you are here to visit the Beypazarı Living Museum, you can visit many historical places and museums around Ankara. More to visit in Ankara by visiting Ankara Museums page on our website. You can add the historical place and museum to your route.
waiting for visitors to protect and exhibit our culture. This museum started its activities on 23 April 2007. It was founded by Sema Demir. The installation purpose of the museum is also expressed as protecting not only the cultural activities known as material or abstract, but also as protecting spiritual cultural elements. Beypazarı, the museum, also includes an architecture of the last period of the Ottoman Empire. This mansion; It was created by Abbaszadeler, one of the well -known families of the region. Here, visitors are not limited to watching, but also involves applications. It can also be possible for anyone to participate in the existing activities. It can also be seen that visitors who have the opportunity to try contribute to Karagöz shows, fairy tale narratives and proverb research. It is known that this museum, which brings different different operations to the agenda at this stage, is also presented to visitors in the traditional sense. 2021/05/Local-Net-91-10.jpg """"Alt ="""" Beypazari Living Museum "">
Beypazarı museum is also included in the museum as well as different cultural activities. It is also in a position where everyone who wants to travel to the past will prefer to go. Karagöz
- Fairy Tale Nights
- Ihlamur edition
- GÖKTÜRKÇE to the Ottoman Empire
- Ebru Art Idioms
- Motifs in Turkish Culture
- In the Ottoman Period, the museum living in a fairytale museum
- Bride Henna Activities < /li. All these activities are included in the museum that lives in Beypazarı and the guests participate. In this way, it is effective in realizing a more effective traditional operation. It is located in Beypazarı district of the province. You can visit the museum between 09:00 and 19:30 every day of the week. The entrance fee to the museum is 1 for adult 15 TL . Museum card holders can visit free of charge. & Nbsp; You can add the historical place and the museum to your route.
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Yaşayan müzeye kurşun döktürmek için gitmiştik. Fakat içinde yaşatılmaya çalışan beypazarına özgü el işçiliklerini gözlemlemek çok güzeldi. Giriş yetişkinler için 15 öğrenciler içinse 10 tl. Özel müze olduğundan kültür bak müze kart geçmiyor. Müze programı ise şu şekilde: *Konak tanıtımı *Kurşun dökümü (isteğe bağlı, ücretli) *Ihlamur baskı tanıtımı (kumaşlardan satın alırsanız siz de yapabiliyorsunuz) *Masal anlatımı *Ebru sanatı gösterimi (isterseniz ücreti karşılığında siz de deneyebiliyorsunuz) *Konak odaları tanıtımı *Gölge oyunu ve giysilerin olduğu oda (şanslıysanız kalabalık gruplar için önceden planlanmış gölge oyunu gösterilerine denk gelebilirsiniz ya da bizim gibi kendiniz de hacıvat karagöz kuklalarını oynatıp eğlenebilirsiniz) *Dokuma kumaş tanıtımı Tüm bu aktiviteler için kesinlikle değecek bir müze. Kış ayında 2 kez Pazar günü gittik çok sakindi. Tavsiye ediyorum.
Çok guzeldiii. Diğer müzelere göre her odasında eskiden yaşayan kişileri ozelligini anlatan ablalar var masal anlatan kurşun döken ebru sanatı yapan gezilesi ve mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yer
Yaşayan müze. Beybazarın'da yer alır. Bu topraklarda kök salışımızın hikayesidir bir bakıma. Köklü kültürün kökenlerini bulursunuz. Hem şehri hem müzeyi gezin.
Tarihi dokusu ve çalışanları çok iyi. Masallarını ve tarihini dinlemek için zaman ayırmanız gerekiyor. Eski bir inanç olan kurşun döktürmek burda icra edilebiliyor. Keloğlan'ın annesi sizi karşılıyor :)
Kişi başı 20 TL. Kent müzesini gezerseniz buranın ne kadar gereksiz olduğunu anlarsınız. Bir de kadınlar az bilgi veriyor. Kurşun dokturmek 100 TL ayrıca ücrete tabi. Taş baskı ve ebru ise 50 şer TL. Vallahi boşuna para vermek istiyorsaniz girebilirsiniz. Konak da klasik bir konak. Kapitalizmin kültür ile makyajlanmis ve harmanlasmis hâli.
Beypazarına gidip görmemek olmaz. Çalışanlar odukça sıcak kanlı. Eski bir konak. Zamanın zenginlerinden birinin evi. Müze girişi ücretli.
Yaşayan Müze'yi Beypazarı'na gittiğinizde mutlaka ziyaret edin. Temmuz 2022 giriş ücreti kişi başı 20-TL. Her katta köşkün tarihi ile ilgili kısaca bilgi veren, anlatanlar var. En üst katta kıyafet satışı var. Alt katta Tokat işi ıhlamur baskı ile kendinize çanta, şal . Yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca Ebru da yapabilirsiniz. İlgisini çekenlere kurşun döktürme bile var :)