Once upon a time Antalya Museum
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The Antalya Museum, which exhibits the traditions of Antalya's world -famous historical and cultural heritage and transforms it into a living beauty, takes the top ranks among the places to visit. The Antalya Museum, which was once the indispensable address of history and cultural enthusiasts, offers them a generous atmosphere with historical heritage that they have never seen or experienced before.
The museum exhibits a large number of works describing the historical events in Antalya and its surroundings. The collection of works and artifacts from various cultures stands out. The museum, which offers a comprehensive scope in terms of classical archeology, history and art history, has a section where various aspects of the historical process of Antalya are examined.
Once upon a time, the demonstrations at the Antalya Museum play historical processes and allow their fans to enjoy history. For example, while the old menstrual menstrual, traditions and rituals of the bronze age are shown, often, costume actors are involved. In addition, there is an art gallery that exhibits the work of local artists and many fun activities in the museum. There are many interactive and promotional panels for orientation. These panels allow guests to better inform themselves about culture, history and works. In addition, you can also watch films in the museum about the extraordinary roles of Antalya in history. With its dazzling original works, impressive shows and teaching boards, it enables her guests to enjoy their historical and cultural values.
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Karacasu Etnografya Müzesi Türk Kültürünün en eski yerleşimleri arasında yer alan Karacasu’nun ve tüm yörenin yakın geçmişteti sosyo-kültürel geçmişi hakkında bilgi veren eserlerin sergilendiği Etnografya Müzesi 2007 yılında açıldı. Mülkiyeti Karacasu Belediyesi’ne ait olan ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın kullanımına tahsis edilen 500 metrekarelik kapalı mekanda yer alan müzede farklı müzelerden derlenen etnografik eserler dışında Karacasu yöresinden ele geçen kimi eserler de sergilenmektedir. Müzede ayrıca yörenin geleneksel zanaatları hakkında bili veren teşhir düzenlemesi de mevcuttur. Karacasu Ethnography Museum The Ethnography Museum was opened in 2007, where works on the socio-cultural background of Karacasu, which is one of the oldest settlements of Turkish Culture, and the recent past of the whole region were exhibited. The museum, which is owned by Karacasu Municipality and has 500 square meters of indoor space allocated to the use of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, also exhibits some artifacts from the Karacasu region, apart from the ethnographic artifacts collected from different museums. The museum also has a showcasing that gives information about the traditional crafts of the region.
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